Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Seminar on Human Rights Treaty Bodies

The 12th of December, 2012 Ph.D student of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University – Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter - ENU) Aigul Shakhmova gave scientific seminar for master students of the Law faculty of People’s friendship university of Russia (hereinafter - PFUR) within the special course «Human rights treaty bodies» 
The seminar was devoted to the Universal Declaration of human rights adopted by the United Nations General Assembly resolution 217 A (III) on 10th of December, 1948. The Universal Declaration of human rights is the first universal international act on human rights and it includes a wide range of political, civil, social, cultural and economic rights.
The questions of the historical development of human rights, the history of adoption and content of the Universal Declaration of human rights, the materials of the official websites and video archives of the international and non-governmental organizations, in particular speeches of Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights - Mrs. Navi Pillay and etc. were considered during the seminar.  
The master students took active and interested participation on seminar, the fundamental provisions and role of the Universal Declaration of human rights at the present stage have been profoundly and thoroughly analysed by master students. 
In conclusion of the seminar it was presented short - movies «Stories on Human Rights» created by internationally recognised filmmakers, artists and writers with the support of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and ART for The World, NGO. The «Stories on Human Rights» is inspired by the six themes of the Universal Declaration: culture, development, dignity and justice, environment, gender and participation.
*Ph.D student A.Shakhmova is MSc in International law of ENU and PFUR within «double diploma» master’s program of the CIS Open Network University, Senior lecturer of the ENU International law Department and currently undergoing scientific internship on International law Department of the PFUR Law faculty within mutual cooperation of ENU and PFUR. 
Scientific supervisors: Vice-chairman of the UN Committee on economic, social and cultural rights, Head of the International law Department, Dr., Prof. Abashidze A.Kh. and Head of the International law Department, Dr., Prof.  Abaideldinov Y.M.